How to say Devil in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Afrikaans Hy is 'n duiwel he is a devil
Bisaya yawa devil
Bisaya Pisti kang yawa'a ka screw you, you fuckhead devil!
Bisaya Yawa! the devil
Croatian Jebo ti vrag mater devil fucked your mother.
Croatian Idi do (100) ðavola!!! go to the (100) devil!!!
Croatian Djava ti glavu izija! may the devil eats your head!
Croatian Vrag ti kosti glodao may the devil gnaw your bones
Croatian Vrag ti sriću nosija!; Vrag ti sriću odnija! may the devil take away your luck!
Croatian Vrag ti sriću gunja! may the devil take your luck
Croatian Djava te odnija! may the devil takes you!
Cypriot N a se pari o thkiaolos may the devil take you
Estonian kuradi munn (lit. devil's penis)
Estonian kurat, saatan devil
Finnish Perkele; Saatana devil
German Geh zum Teufel go to hell (lit. go to the devil)
German der Teufel the devil
Guaraní aña rako peguare the devil's cunt
Hmong dlaab ntaus (green version) devil hit you
Hmong dab laig devil's meal
Icelandic Farðu til Anskotans go to the devil
Kikuyu Caitani devil
Klingon DenIb Qatlh denebian slime devil
Krèyol ayisien Git Mau-Mau Sat� n fuck the devil
Malay Bajang devil
Norwegian Lille satan little devil
Polish Niech ciê diabli wezm± may the devil take you
Romana o benga les koro may the devil fuck it
Sami Neavri devil
Sami helveha birrut devil's of hell
Sami Bergalaga biru satan's devil
Sami Biru the devil
Sami Birru daza the devil's norwegian/swede
Sardo Cazzu diaulu devil dick
Swedish Din fula fan you ugly devil
Tamil Pisasu devil/ also a swear
Ukrainian lysyi didko bald devil

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