Swear Words In Romanian | Cuss Words In Romanian


Top 10 Romanian Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
Bag pula-n gatu tau! stick my dick in your throat! (93%)        (7%)
Baga-mi-as pula in ma-ta Fuck your mother (73%)        (27%)
Baga-mi-ash Pula in tine stick my dick in you (83%)        (17%)
Bagami-as pula in fata ta! I stick my cock in your face! (78%)        (22%)
Bagami-as pula in mata fuck your mother (53%)        (47%)
Bagate-as in mormant May I put you in a grave (34%)        (66%)
Belimiai pula Raw my dick (51%)        (49%)
Borati-as pula-n gat I'll throw up my dick in your neck (57%)        (43%)
Bou castrated bull (33%)        (67%)
Băi căcat în ploaie! You, shit in the rain! (71%)        (29%)
Cacamas in gura ta I'll shit in your mouth (76%)        (24%)
Cacat cu ochi Shit with eyes (89%)        (11%)
Curule! You ass! (83%)        (17%)
Curva whore (94%)        (6%)
Cãca m-as pe mormântul mãtii I'd shit on your mothers grave (75%)        (25%)
Dai dracu Fuck you (13%)        (87%)
Du te Dracu Go to hell (88%)        (13%)
Du-te frate si impusca-te! Bro' , go shoot yourself! (91%)        (9%)
Dute dracu! Go to hell! (83%)        (17%)
Dute-n pula mea Go to my cock (75%)        (25%)
Fu-tu-ti sicriu' ma-tii! Fuck your mother's coffin! (63%)        (37%)
Futa-te cangurii You be fucked by kangoroos (54%)        (46%)
Futu-i! Fuck! (91%)        (9%)
Futu-le muma-n cur Fuck their mother in the ass (78%)        (22%)
Futu-te! Fuck yourself! (38%)        (63%)
Futu-te-n gura! Fuck your mouth! (63%)        (37%)
Futu-te-n gură Fuck your mouth (50%)        (50%)
Futu-ti Cristosu' matii! Fuck your mother's Christ! (75%)        (25%)
Futu-ti Pastele matii! Fuck your mother's Easter! (82%)        (18%)
Futu-ti biserica matii! Fuck your mother's church! (87%)        (13%)
Futu-ti ceapa matii! fuck ur mother's onion (85%)        (15%)
Futu-ti coliva matii Fuck your mother's funeral meal (88%)        (13%)
Futu-ti crucea matii! Fuck your mother's cross! (80%)        (20%)
Futu-ti dumnezeii matii! Fuck your mother's gods! (93%)        (7%)
Futu-ti gura matii fuck urs mother mouth (74%)        (26%)
Futu-ti mortii ma-tii Fuck your mama's dead relatives (80%)        (20%)
Futu-ti mortii matii Fuck your mothers dead relatives (85%)        (15%)
Futu-ti mortii matii! Fuck your mother's dead! (88%)        (13%)
Futu-ti soarele matii ! Fuck your mother`s Sun ! (75%)        (25%)
Fututi rasa matii Fuck your mothers rase (58%)        (42%)
Haide coaie! c'mon balls[=testicols] (75%)        (25%)
Labagiu One who masturbates (80%)        (20%)
Las copacii sa te futa I let the trees fuk you (33%)        (67%)
Linge-ma in cur! Lick my ass! (77%)        (23%)
Linge-ma in pizda. Lick my pussy. (75%)        (25%)
Linge-ma pizda. Lick my pussy. (37%)        (63%)
Linge-ma! Lick me! (83%)        (17%)
Lingea-me-ai cateaua in pizda lick my dog (girl) in her pussy (67%)        (33%)
Lua-mi-ai coaiele-n gura! Grab my balls with your mouth! (86%)        (14%)
Luati-as mortii in pula I'll stick my dick in your dead (64%)        (36%)
Luati-as neamu-n pula ! Take your family in my dick ! (60%)        (40%)
Manca-mi-ai curu'! Eat my ass! (91%)        (9%)
Manca-mi-ai pula! Eat my dick! (93%)        (7%)
Manca-mi-ai slobozul Suck my cum (67%)        (33%)
Mancami-ai pizda! Eat my pussy! (78%)        (22%)
Mancami-ai pula! Eat me cock! (40%)        (60%)
Mancata-si curu! I'd eat your ass! (39%)        (61%)
Mancata-si pizda! I'd eat your pussy! (50%)        (50%)
Mars in pula mea Fuck off (67%)        (33%)
Mori in cancer Die of cancer (44%)        (56%)
Mortii matii ! Your mother`s dead relatives ! (75%)        (25%)
Muie! Suck my dick ! (50%)        (50%)
Neacha-te pe o pula! Choke on a cock! (39%)        (61%)
Pizda jegoasa Dirty pussy (83%)        (17%)
Pizda proasta You stupid pussy (67%)        (33%)
Poponar one who takes it in the ass (74%)        (26%)
Pula calului in virful dealului Horse's dick on top of the hill (93%)        (7%)
Pulaman small dick (11%)        (89%)
Pulă bleagă soft (unworking) dick (88%)        (13%)
Rapanosule You do not like to wash yourself (40%)        (60%)
Sa iti dau la muie I'll fuck your face (61%)        (39%)
Sa ma pupi la coaie Kiss my balls (88%)        (13%)
Sa te pis in freza ! I'll pee on your head (70%)        (30%)
Sa-mi fut una Fuck me one (38%)        (62%)
Sa-mi lingi cacatu din cur Lick my shit from my ass (79%)        (21%)
Sa-mi sugi hemoroizii Suck on my hemorrhoids (50%)        (50%)
Sa-ti iau mortii la baieram I'll take your dead to a party (67%)        (33%)
Sa-ti scot ochii cu pula Poke your eyes out with my dick (89%)        (11%)
Slobozim-as pe mormantu Ma-tii I cum on your dead mother's grave (75%)        (25%)
Slobozite-ar lumea in fata May the people cum on your face (86%)        (14%)
Slobozite-ar lumea in gura May the people cum in your mouth (80%)        (20%)
Sloboziti-as fata I'll cum on your face (79%)        (21%)
Sugi Pula Suck my dick (95%)        (5%)
Sugi pula Suck dick (43%)        (57%)
Sugi pula ! Suck my dick ! (64%)        (36%)
Sugi pula! Suck a dick! (82%)        (18%)
Tarfa whore (78%)        (22%)
Te ling in pizda! I'll lick you in your pussy! (78%)        (22%)
Tiganu' dracului! Cursed gypsy! (78%)        (22%)
Tu-ti ceaiul matii Fuck your mother's tea (73%)        (27%)
avorta-la-i pe frate-tu may you miscariage your brother (33%)        (67%)
balconar cock sucking homosexual (36%)        (64%)
bulangiu jerk (56%)        (44%)
du-te-n pizda ma-tii! go back in your mother's cunt! (82%)        (18%)
dute-n mortii ma-tii go into your mama's dead relatives (50%)        (50%)
duten pula calului go to the horse dick (73%)        (27%)
esti o laba trista you're a sad jerk off (82%)        (18%)
fofoloanca pussy (73%)        (27%)
frisca cum (32%)        (68%)
futu-Å£i CristoÅŸii mă-tii fuck your mother's Christs (65%)        (35%)
futu-Å£i gâţii mă-tii fuck your mother's neck(s) (64%)        (36%)
futu-Å£i morÅ£ii mă-tii fuck your mother's dead people (89%)        (11%)
fută-tie dumniezo may God fuck you (61%)        (39%)
go fuck yourself futa-te (45%)        (55%)
hali-mi-ai pizda eat my pussy (73%)        (27%)
inecate-ai cu sperma lu' tac-tu! choke with your dad's sperm (88%)        (13%)
koi testicle (39%)        (61%)
lingurista lesbian (29%)        (71%)
manca-mi-ai coaiele eat my balls (55%)        (45%)
martalog lamer (56%)        (44%)
muie blowjob (85%)        (15%)
muist cock sucker (83%)        (17%)
panarama stupid obnoxious whore (77%)        (23%)
pisa-ti-ai tamponul Piss your tampon (66%)        (34%)
propti-ti-as pula-n gaoz i will stick my dick in your hole (69%)        (31%)
sa sugi pula lu' ma-ta go suck your mom's cock (69%)        (31%)
sa te fut la ochiu maro fuck you in the brown eye (82%)        (18%)
sa-mi tarai coaiele pe fatza ta drag my balls on your face (87%)        (13%)
savarina vulva (35%)        (65%)
sfarcuri nipples (92%)        (8%)
sloboz semen (81%)        (19%)
spala-te pe dinti cu slobozii mei! brush your teeth with my cum (82%)        (18%)
stati-ar flocii ma-tii-n gat! choke on your mother's pubic hair (79%)        (21%)
sugator de pwla cock sucker (71%)        (29%)
să-Å£i trag la muie I would fuck your face/mouth (46%)        (54%)
te trag in pula i impale you with my cock (71%)        (29%)
ti=o dau la buci i will fuck your ass (73%)        (27%)
tzatze boobs (74%)        (26%)

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