How to say Test in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Albanian bole testicle (balls)
American english Balls testicles
Arabic qaraqir testes or balls
Arabic palestine Shim baydati smell my testicles
Asian accent teh seh te kol testicle
Assamese Lothou Guti hanging balls / testicles
Australian eat my hairy onions eat my testicals
Aymara Q'uruta testicle
Azeri Dashaq balls/testicles
British bollocks testicles
Bruneian palir testiclie
Dhivehi Test ahem
Dutch (holland/belgium) Kloten (singular kloot) testicles, balls
English ask me bollix please ask my testacles
English nuts testicles
Faroese Heitasta hulasta helviti! hottest deepest pits of hell!
Farscape Mivonks testicles
Fijian taurua levu big testicles
Firefly Shun-sheng duh gao-wahn! holy testicle tuesday!
French Couilles testicles
German swiss - bern dialect Schafsecku sheep's testicle
Gorani ne jadi jajca don't eat balls (testicles)
Greek Papara adj. a tosser, wanker, asshole noun. papari - a testicle
Greek Papari testicle
Greek arxidi testicle or "bastard"
Hokkien Lu e Nui your testicles (egg/balls)
Irish Diúl mo maglairlí suck my testicles
Isindebele Maredakho your testicles
Italian testa di cazzo dick head
Italian Testa di cazzo; Testa di minchia dickhead
Japanese Kintama testicles
Japanese kintama testicles [lit. golden balls]
Kannada Beeja; Tunne unnu testicles
Khmer Boung Kadaw nutsack; testicles;balls
Kiswahili pumbu testicles
Kokborok lwi toktwi testis
Konkani Gadith man with one testicle
Latvian Kule; pauti testicles, balls
Lowland scots goolies; yer tackle testicles
Macedonian madini testicles
Malagasy Voatabory testicle
Marathi Bin gotyaachya man without testis
New zealand Bolo testicle
Northern irish gonads testicles
Punjabi Tatte testicals
Punjabi Fudi da tataa testies of vagina
Punjabi tatte hayon da testis sucker
Punjabi tatte chaude wide separated testes
Romagnolo Testa 'd caz dickhead
Romanian Haide coaie! c'mon balls[=testicols]
Romanian koi testicle
Scanian Kodd testicle
Scottish baw bag testicle (ball sack)
Scottish Yer mawz bawz your mother's testicles
Setswana dithala tsa ntatago your father's testicles
Siciliano Testa i Minchia dickhead
Sindhi Pelo / Pela testicle / testicles
Spanish cojones balls, testicles,
Spanish Huevos testicals (mex)
Spanish Aguacates testicles
Spanish (spain) Hijo de la grandísima puta son of the greatest bitch
Swahili makende balls, testicles
Swiss german hodalos lacks testicles
Telugu vattalu balls/ testicles
Telugu Vattakai single ball/testicle
Twi Wo ntɔhwɛ your testicles
United kingdom Tunnel Tester homosexual male
United kingdom Pillock testicle; idiot
Zulu amasende testicles

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