How to say e na in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Afrikaans Fok julle naaiers! fuck y'all/all you whores/fuckers!
Afrikaans jou nare nai you nauseating cunt
Albanian ta qifsha pythin e nans fuck ur mothers vagina
Arabic (lebanese) bade naykak l fejle i will make you fuck the raddish
Arabic syrian Kss okht elee nafadak aars your aunt's vagina is slut
Armenian de nah hoy hop off my dick
Bosnian nabijem te na kurac i impale you on my penis
Bosnian Na kurac te nabijem on my dick i put you
Brony what entire nation what the fuck
Chinese ni ma de na i suck my cock
Creole haitian jebo te onaj ko te napravio may the one who made you fuck you
Croatian Nabijem te na kurac! i'll stick you on a/my dick!
Croatian Jebote onaj koji te napravio. let fuck you who has make you.
Croatian Ko te napravija tako glupa! who made you so stupid?
Croatian kurbat turkish Imat muhe na duphje you have flies on your ass
Dutch (brabants) lilleke natnek fucking asshole
Farsi amme nane your aunt is your mom
Galician Cabeza de nabo dick head
Hokkien He nao shrimp brain
Kannada nimmavun tullge nayi thunne aaka let dog fuck you mother
Kannada Ninna mokke nan makLu uchche huyya may my kids piss on your face
Kurdish (bahdini) Min giye dayka te na i've fucked your mom's turd
Kurdish (kurmanci) Kurre Be namusa son of the dishonest
Laotian Hee Naow rotten pussy
Moldavian Du-te nahui! fuck you!
Ms-dos Bad command or file name you fucked up
Punjabi mere lund tey charr ke nach! get on my cock and dance!
Russian Ee-dee nah hooy fuck you!
Russian Π—Π°Ρ‚ΠΊΠ½ΠΈΡΡŒ, ΠΈΠ΄ΠΈ Π½Π° Ρ…ΡƒΠΉ (Zat-knees, ee-dee na khuy) shut up and fuck you
Serbian muda mi se napasesh graze my balls
Serbian Π”Π° Π‘ΠΎΠ³ Π΄ΠΎΠ±ΠΈΠΎ Π³Ρ™ΠΈΠ²ΠΈΡ†Π΅ Π½Π° јајима/Da Bog dobio gljivice na jajima i hope you get fungus on your balls
Serbian Nabijem te na kurac!!! i impale you on my cock!
Serbian Nabijem te na kurac i nail you on my dick
Serbian popisam ti se na to ill piss on that yours
Serbian Nataknem te na cKura! nail you onto my kcoc!
Serbian Na kurac te nasadim! plant you on my dick!
Serbian opalim te golim slam you with the naked
Serbian prdneΕ‘ mi na kurac (prdneh-sh me nah koorac) you fart on my cock
Serbian Jebo te onaj ko te napravio your father fucks you
Shanghai Ce na fuck you
Sindarin elvish Lle naa haran eοΏ½ nausalle you are kind in your imagination
Sinhala hukanne nathuwa palayan fuck off
Slavic languages Eedesh mee nah koorats you are going to sit on my dick
Tagalog (philippine) puke nang ina mo your mom's pussy
Tamil Pundaye Nakku suck a pussy
Teochew e na shut up! (become a dummy)
Thai ai na son teen (to say to male)/ e na son teen (to say to female) your face looks like my feet

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