How to say Pot in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Arabic (tunisian) Hawi impotent, jaffa, spermless
Bengali Bichi Chara Potla ball less bag!!
Chilean Poto ass
Creole (mauritian) capote defoncer banged
Dota Potangina Mo fuck your mother.
Dutch (haags) gerimpelde kleibind wrinkled potato
Dutch (holland/belgium) Pot lesbian
England Piss Pot someone who talks bull
English As much use as a chocolate teapot useless
Gujarati Nakhodiya impotent
Hiligaynon yudipota son of a bitch
Konkani Potachea bastard
Marathi tuji ai mutli madkyat phala-phala ur mother pissed in pot
Nederlands (dutch) pothoer lesbian whore
Peruvian chupame el poto !!! suck my ass
Scottish Bampot idiot
Sindhi kakus poty
Slovak Jebal ta potkan ! a rat fucked you ! (insult)
Slovak Jebal potkan tvoju mater a rat fucked your mother
Slovak potrat miscarriage (extremely offensive)
Slovak potkan rat (very strong insult of a man)
Slovenian potegn mi ga! suck my dick!
Spanish Comeme el cipote eat my dick
Spanish (spain) Chúpame la polla / el nabo / la tranca / el cipote / el ciruelo; Cómeme la polla / el nabo / la tranca / el cipote / el ciruelo eat my dick
Spanish(spain) c�meme el cipote, cabr�n eat my dick, fucker
Tagalog Supot ka! not circumsized
Tamil pottachi bonthule okkuria fuck in her pussy
Te reo maori Pokokohua boil your head in a pot.
Tulu potu fuck
Tulu nikk potyer bewarsi fuck you bastard
Tulu potunu fucking
Tulu inan potubey; nikk potubey i will fuck you
Tulu Ninna Appe Neer Naye Potyere let the water dogs fuck your mother
Turkish Amcik Hosafi stewed pussy as a compote
Ukrainian potselui meni v sraku kiss me in the ass
Zou Pot khea oh get the fuck out

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