How to say HM in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Afghan Pashm pubes
Amazigh - riffan Khsagh Achmakor i wanna fuck you
Arabic (moroccan) Hmar kelb tfou annoying idiot
Arabic (moroccan) hmar (a) stupid
Arabic egyptian Hmar donkey/ass
Arabic iraqi zmal/ihmar donkey
Arabic kuwait Gath mal hmar donkey asshole
Arabic kuwait Ya Ehmar you are a donky
Assyrian erid khmara donkeys dick
Assyrian Khmara idiot
Assyrian Ya bronet khmara you son of a donkey
Azerbaijani Sikishmek to get in fuck
Burmese Nea hmea sout put your mom's a vagina
Cantonese Kakha Ma Lo Se Ye, Eh Mai Gaid! get the fuck out my face, ohmygod!
Dominican mahmaw? (When said to a prostitute) can i get a blowjob?
Farsi kir tu sooraakh por pashmo pinat dick in your fucking hairy hole
German Du schmeckst so gut. you taste so good
Hebrew shmenah fat ass
Iraqi hmar donkey
Kashmiri Lechmayaa benzi i'll fuck your niece
Kashmiri Brahman chaenk virgin pussy
Khmer Si khmao kadah eat black dick
Laotian Ohm koi goo! suck my cock
Lithuanian Uzhsipisk kryzhmai crossfuck yourself
Luxembourgish Kuff d'Schmull shut up
Mizo Hmél âwn [you] tilted face
Mizo Hmél phak fuck face
Mizo Chhu hmul buk hairy cunt
Mizo Hmelchhe phak you are fugly
Norwegian Dust schmuck
Persian (farsi) tokhm balls
Pohnpeian pwisikihnomw (pwi see ki nohm) fuck you
Russian Tupa shmara stupid whore
Sexting hmd holding my dic
Sexting HM how much?
Slavic languages Krehsnem tee mahmoo! i fucking your mom
Slovak chmulo moron, stupid man
West-vlams vuulen ollander dirty dutchman
Yiddish Schmuck penis
Yiddish Shmundie vagina

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