How to say Bou in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Afrikaans boudkapper ass fucker
Amazigh - riffan Abouhari (Male) - Tabouharcht (Female) crazy / retard
Arabic bous tize kiss my ass
Arabic (aleppo) abous ksa lmemee i will kiss ur mom pussy
Arabic (moroccan) taboune mok your mum's pussy
Arabic (tunisian) Ya Miboun fuck off gay!
Arabic (tunisian) zabour omek your mom's pussy
Arabic kuwait bou aswad; bou aswad son of a black
Arabic palestine Ya Ebn Jiranak you son of your neighbours
Armenian bouts pussy
Assyrian Eree b shwawokh fuck your neighbour
Assyrian sailana yimit baboukh i will fuck your mums dad
Aussie slang She's about and sweet as a cat pissing down ur mums cunt have u seen my hairy pussy
Australian she's a grenade chick is so fat she bout to explode
Australian Fuck it! don't worry about it
Australian How about a root? lets have sex
Australian About as useful as an arsehole on your elbow not very useful
Bengali tor nunu bouut boro your penis is very big
Bulgarian Zaebi forget about it (vulgar)
Chaldean Babouh elea masilana your dad is a mutha fucker
Creole bouzin bouch santi bitch stinky mouth
Creole al fair bour toi!!! go get fucked!!!
Creole bouss liki shut the fuck up
Creole (mauritian) Bousse imper liki ar moi tone tander! close your pussy you understand!
Creole (mauritian) bour sa pitin la fuck that bitch/whore
Creole (mauritian) Fer Bour twa (FBT) fuck yourself!
Creole (mauritian) Fer bour toi go get yourself fucked
Creole (mauritian) mone envi bour toi i love you so so much!
Creole (mauritian) mo pu bour toi i will fuck you
Creole (mauritian) bourik reyer idiot
Creole (mauritian) bousse to liki; Bousse impe to gran liki shut the fuck up
Creole (mauritian) Bousse to la gueule shut up your big mouth
Creole (mauritian) torma piss diboute your mum has a cock
Creole haitian mal pou di bouzin bitch without satisfaction
Creole haitian Bouzin! bitch!
Creole haitian bouzin sal! dirty bitch!
Creole haitian besse mes fesse bouzin kiss my ass bitch
Creole haitian bouch santi stinky mouth
Creole mauritian Fer bour twa look for someone to fuck u
Croatian Boli me kurac. my dick hurts. (said when you don't care about something)
Croatian ma tko te jebe who gives a fuck about you
English bouncing bozos big shaking breasts
English Takes a walk down chocolate boulevard homesexual male
Francais (quebec) Cibouère! damn!
Francais (quebec) met la dans ta bouche put it in your mouth
French je pis dans ta bouche i pis in your mouth
Greek Tsibouki blow-job
Greek bouxhesa fat bitch
Greek tzimbouki headjob
Greek bourdelo whore house
Greek Xo kamarados zou exe xabarlemeno boutzo - Χο καμαράδος ζου έχε χαμπαρλεμένω μπούτ&#95 your husband has a ruined dick
Haitian creole bouzin bitch
Haitian creole Bouda kaka shitty ass
Haitian creole bouzen whore
Hindi padosi ke calender ; padosi ki aulaad neighbour's son
Iraqi Balboul dick/penis
Kabyle amboule dick (sometimes)
Kabyle Abbouche penis
Kabyle Ettedh abbouchiw; mechiyid abbouchiw suck my dick
Kabyle tibbouchin titts
Khasi Lah-bou you're fucked
Khmer Boung Kadaw nutsack; testicles;balls
Kreole (seychelles) bous ou trou frwe fuck your mother
Kreole (seychelles) bous ou fes shut the fuck up
Northern irish Bout Ye hello how are you doing
Oriya Bada bou ghia aunty fucker
Oriya To bou BIA your mother vagina
Quebec (sex) Fait pas ta farouche, met la dans ta bouche don't be shy, deepthroat it.
Quebec (sex) Montre mo� t grosses boules b�b� show me ur big boobs baby.
Romanian Bou castrated bull
Scottish Geeze a humph! how about a fuck?
Shardyyyy I'm walking out the door now! i'm about to jump in the shower
Strine (aussie slang) How's about a stoink you little stoinker how about a fuck you little fucker
Tunisian arabic zabboura fucking cute
Tunisian arabic miboun gay
Tunisian arabic zabour; zabbour sexy

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