Top 10 West-vlams Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
ambetanten arroganten bastoard annoying arrogant bastard (0%)        (100%)
boorn to fuck (0%)        (100%)
der angt sop an je schreve there is cum on your cunt (100%)        (0%)
dikke koente fat ass (100%)        (0%)
dikke tetn big boogs (100%)        (0%)
dju shit! (20%)        (80%)
e kleintje small dick (50%)        (50%)
eje e ruf geloatn? did you fart? (100%)        (0%)
je moeje muul oen gie shut your face (100%)        (0%)
je mussel stiekt your cunt stinks (100%)        (0%)
je stiekt uut je bek your breath stinks (100%)        (0%)
jeanette faggot (100%)        (0%)
kgan je in je gat boorn I'm gonna fuck you in the ass (33%)        (67%)
kieszak disgusting person (100%)        (0%)
kust me kloten kiss my balls (50%)        (50%)
kust ze kiss my balls (100%)        (0%)
kzoen wel e ki je kelder wiln witn I would like to fuck you (100%)        (0%)
mutn dumbass (100%)        (0%)
oere whore (38%)        (63%)
plooier quitter (100%)        (0%)
poepn to fuck (100%)        (0%)
preute pussy (100%)        (0%)
rukker wanker (100%)        (0%)
rukn to jerk off (100%)        (0%)
schurft scabies (100%)        (0%)
slette slut (50%)        (50%)
sperre cum (100%)        (0%)
teeve bitch (100%)        (0%)
vuulen ollander dirty dutchman (100%)        (0%)

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