Top 10 Neapolitan Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
'stu ricuttaro 'e mmerda Fucking (male) prostitute (30%)        (70%)
A mamat' your mother (81%)        (19%)
Cafone Uneducated person (75%)        (25%)
Chiavete a mammeta fuck your mother (80%)        (20%)
Chiavica Disgusting thing (67%)        (33%)
Fiet' 'e mmerda You smell like shit (80%)        (20%)
Figlij 'e 'ntrocchia Cunning person (0%)        (100%)
Int' a chella fessa 'e mammeta Your mother's cunt (75%)        (25%)
Loffa Fart (50%)        (50%)
M'h� fatto vene a guallara You're the reason of my hernia (67%)        (33%)
M'h� scassato 'e ccoglie lit. You broke my balls (50%)        (50%)
M'h� scassato 'o cazz lit. You broke my dick (75%)        (25%)
Mammeta � 'na zoccola Your mother's a bitch (92%)        (8%)
Mannaggia a chi t'h� muort Your ancestors be damned (75%)        (25%)
Mannaggia a chi t'h� vivo Your living relatives be damned (60%)        (40%)
Ngul a mammt In your mothers ass (0%)        (100%)
Puorco 'e mmerda Fucking pig (40%)        (60%)
Si cos e pazz! Your nuts/crazy (40%)        (60%)
Sij 'na bbellezza 'e ceramica, 'u cess You are as beatiful as a bathroom (20%)        (80%)
Sij 'na latrina You're disgusting (0%)        (100%)
Va' a ffa mmocca Go do a blowjob (33%)        (67%)
Zizze Boobs (92%)        (8%)
a fess' e mamat' your moms pussy (55%)        (45%)
fa fancul' a mamat' go fuck your mother (11%)        (89%)
piglio 'n culo take it up the ass (50%)        (50%)
porco disgraziat' pork disgrace (60%)        (40%)
rumbo cazzo ball breaker (27%)        (73%)
salutim' a sorota say hi to your sister (sarcastic) (60%)        (40%)
tu si shem' your an idiot/stupid (43%)        (57%)
va fancul' a chi ta muort' Fuck you and your dead ones (50%)        (50%)
va fancul' a te e freid' Fuck you and your brother (25%)        (75%)
va fancul' a te e sorot' Fuck you and your sister (33%)        (67%)
zucame 'e ppalle suck my balls (57%)        (43%)

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