Swear Words In Greek | Cuss Words In Greek


Top 10 Greek Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
Ai gamisou Fuck you (76%)        (24%)
Ante gamisou go fuck yourself (90%)        (10%)
As to thialo Go to hell (55%)        (45%)
Ay gamisou go fuck off (89%)        (11%)
Bastarde Bastard (90%)        (10%)
Bines Man who likes fucking men (28%)        (72%)
Fae ena kouva skata Eat a bucket full of shit (75%)        (25%)
Fae skata kai psofa re malaka Eat shit and die you wanker (88%)        (13%)
Fila mou to kolo kiss my ass (79%)        (21%)
Gamo tin panagia sou literally : I fuck your virgin Mary (69%)        (31%)
Gamozo-o Fucking animal (50%)        (50%)
Gamw ten psyche su I fuck your soul (33%)        (67%)
Gamw to mouni pou se petage I fuck the cunt that threw you (75%)        (25%)
Glipse Tin Poutsamou Skila Suck My Dick Bitch (73%)        (27%)
Lougra Faggot (coloquial) (60%)        (40%)
Malaka Wanker (91%)        (9%)
Mastaria boobs (33%)        (67%)
Mounotricha A cunt hair. (89%)        (11%)
Na mou klaseis ta'rxidia May you fart on my balls (86%)        (14%)
O gamo ton Christo mu oh my fucking Christ (72%)        (28%)
O re malaka mu Oh my idiot wanker (29%)        (71%)
O re pousti Oh my faggot (57%)        (43%)
O re pousti mu Oh my idiot fagot (31%)        (69%)
Oipho (Ancient Greek) Fuck (50%)        (50%)
Olympiacos Club of wankers (43%)        (57%)
Panathinaikos (or Vazelos) Club of cunts (42%)        (58%)
Papara Adj. A tosser, wanker, Asshole Noun. Papari - A Testicle (80%)        (20%)
Papari Testicle (67%)        (33%)
Partuza gang bang (89%)        (11%)
Patsavoura Ugly woman (literally a rag) (90%)        (10%)
Pidiksu Fuck you (68%)        (32%)
Pousti Faggot (92%)        (8%)
Poutana Whore (88%)        (13%)
Poutanas Gios Son of a whore (89%)        (11%)
Savra Ugly woman (literally a lizard) (78%)        (22%)
Sihama Disgusting thing/person (86%)        (14%)
Skase prin ginoume kolo! Shut up before we fight roughly! (20%)        (80%)
Skatofatsa Shit face (85%)        (15%)
Skopianos Dickhead (43%)        (57%)
Sto Thialo go to hell (37%)        (63%)
Su gamo ti mana I fuck your mother (91%)        (9%)
Tha sou gamiso to skylaki sou poutana! I will screw your dog, Bitch! (33%)        (67%)
Tha zou gamizou me tin kathigkli (Mani dialect) I'm going to fuck you with a chair (27%)        (73%)
Tis manas sou ti mouni Fuck your mother's pussy (67%)        (33%)
Tsibouki Blow-job (88%)        (13%)
Tsimpouki Blowjob (83%)        (17%)
Vizia boobs (90%)        (10%)
Vizompala boobs balls (78%)        (22%)
Vlamenos idiot (86%)        (14%)
Vlima stupid (head is an empty shell) (94%)        (6%)
Xi dixatera zou gamai katsoulia- Χη δυχατέρα ζου γαμάει κατσούλια (Maniot dialect - Μανιά& Your daughter fucks cats (33%)        (67%)
Xo kamarados zou exe xabarlemeno boutzo - Χο καμαράδος ζου έχε χαμπαρλεμένω μπούτ&#95 Your husband has a ruined dick (37%)        (63%)
Yamo to mouni pou se petage fuck your mother's pussy (67%)        (33%)
Yamo to spiti su fuck your house (75%)        (25%)
Zlena - Ζλένα (Pontian dialect - Ποντιακή διάλεκτο) Slut/Whore (77%)        (23%)
ade sto diaolo go to hell (85%)        (15%)
akka tin villa mou (cyprus dialect) suck my dick (52%)        (48%)
ante gamisou paliopousta go fuck yourself you fucking gay (75%)        (25%)
archimalakas chief of asholes (84%)        (16%)
arxidi testicle or "bastard" (79%)        (21%)
ayde hesou go shit on yourself (83%)        (17%)
bazo ungly girl or debris (80%)        (20%)
bourdelo whore house (95%)        (5%)
bouxhesa fat bitch (63%)        (38%)
erre es korakas go to the cows! (25%)        (75%)
gamisa ti mana sou i fucked your mom (85%)        (15%)
gamisi sex (67%)        (33%)
gamo to kerato sou! fuck your horn! (80%)        (20%)
gamo to mouni tis manas sou fuck your mothers pussy (80%)        (20%)
gamo to munie tis manas su (γαμω το μουνι της μανας σου) (I) Fuck your mother's pussy (86%)        (14%)
gamoto mouni tis laspis fucking dirty cunt (36%)        (64%)
gomena bich (33%)        (67%)
hyno cum (70%)        (30%)
i mana sou ine putana Your mother is a whore (93%)        (7%)
kariola fucking bitch (86%)        (14%)
kavla horney (72%)        (28%)
kavli or putsa or putsos dick (88%)        (13%)
kavlomenos hard (80%)        (20%)
kolodaktilo arse-finger. (92%)        (8%)
kolos ass (90%)        (10%)
kolotripa asshole (87%)        (13%)
kotsiros (cyprus dialect) piece of shit (76%)        (24%)
malaka wanker (80%)        (20%)
mounee pussy (82%)        (18%)
mounopano ladies sanitary pad (81%)        (19%)
mounoskilo pussy of a dog (67%)        (33%)
mule bastard (64%)        (36%)
muni Cunt (86%)        (14%)
na pari i eychi! damn it! (64%)        (36%)
na sou sheso sta moutra (cyprus dialect) i'll shit on your face (72%)        (28%)
nafais to muni/villara eat cunt/dick (49%)        (51%)
nupidio tis kinonias wanker of the world (43%)        (57%)
pa na gamy-thees go fuck yourself (65%)        (35%)
palio arhidi old balls (52%)        (48%)
pana gamethie go fuck yourself (26%)        (74%)
pane gamisou go fuck yourself (81%)        (19%)
papara dickhead (33%)        (67%)
pare mou pipa (take my 'pipe')= suck my dick (91%)        (9%)
pastartos (cyprus dialect) bastard (53%)        (47%)
pipa blowjob (87%)        (13%)
pootsomezes dick-food (63%)        (38%)
poustis gay (75%)        (25%)
poutana bitch (57%)        (43%)
poutanas gie! or bastarde! son of a bitch! (81%)        (19%)
poutses ble blue dicks (67%)        (33%)
savura ugly woman (73%)        (27%)
sixameni dirty bitch (48%)        (52%)
skata shit (91%)        (9%)
skata na fas Eat Shit (90%)        (10%)
skata sta moutra sou shit in your face (76%)        (24%)
skat� crap / shit (70%)        (30%)
skipse kai glipse bend over and lick (90%)        (10%)
sou gamo to soy or gamo to soy sou I fuck you whole family (79%)        (21%)
tha se gamisou ill fuck you (41%)        (59%)
ti mana sou (cyprus dialect) fuck your mother (74%)        (26%)
tis manas sou o kolos your mother's ass (83%)        (17%)
tis thias sou! fuck your aunt's pussy! (44%)        (56%)
to shisto sou (cyprus dialect) fuck your cunt (70%)        (30%)
trombas wank-pump (83%)        (17%)
tsa-tsa the chief of the bitches (73%)        (27%)
tsoula slut (80%)        (20%)
tzimbouki headjob (44%)        (56%)
vilare metaftia dick with ears (50%)        (50%)
vizya tits (91%)        (9%)
vromoskilo dirty dog (88%)        (13%)
xisi jizz (61%)        (39%)
Åßóáé ìáëÜêáò (You are an asshole) You are an asshole (0%)        (100%)
Αλβανός - Alvanos Retarded (38%)        (63%)
Γαμώ τα πεθαμένα σου Fuck your Deads (56%)        (44%)
Γαμώ την ψυχή σου! Fuck your soul! (91%)        (9%)
Γαμώ το σπίτι σου! Fuck your home! (50%)        (50%)
Γαμώ ότι έχεις και δέν έχεις! fuck every think you have got! (75%)        (25%)
Γλείψε το δεξί μου αρχίδι (Glypse to dexee mu archeedee) Lick my right ball (75%)        (25%)
Πουτάνας γιέ! Son of the bitch! (83%)        (17%)
Σκατά στα μουτρα σου (Skata sta moutra sou) Shit in your face (87%)        (13%)
βλακας vlakas - stupid (88%)        (12%)
γαμώτι πουτάνα σου (gamoti poutana sou) Fuck your bitch (50%)        (50%)

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