Top 10 Farsi Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
Gooreto Gom Kon Fuck off, Piss off, Beat it (79%)        (21%)
Harum zadeh Son of a Bitch, Asshole (72%)        (28%)
Jendeh Slut, whore, bitch (88%)        (12%)
Khar Kos seh your sister is a whore (61%)        (39%)
Kir tu Kunet My Dick in your Ass (86%)        (14%)
Kiram Dahanet My Dick in your Mouth (83%)        (17%)
Kiram too kosseh naanaat My dick in your mother's pussy (91%)        (9%)
Kiram too un dahane sag gaaeedat fuk your dog raped mouth (48%)        (52%)
Kooni Ass hole (24%)        (76%)
Koonie Faggot (79%)        (21%)
Kos maghz idiot (83%)        (17%)
Kosskesh Pimp (60%)        (40%)
Lashy Jurk, Piece of Shit (68%)        (32%)
Lawda Stupid (35%)        (65%)
Madar Ghahbe Mother Fucker (89%)        (11%)
Madar Ghahbeh Son of a bitch, Slut Mom (92%)        (8%)
Madar Gjende or Madar Ghende your mother is a bitch/hore (64%)        (36%)
Madar Jendeh Mother Fucker (64%)        (36%)
Madar Sag Son of a Bitch (50%)        (50%)
Pestoon Tits (91%)        (9%)
Tu goh khordie Go eat shit (61%)        (39%)
amme nane your aunt is your mom (67%)        (33%)
antikke piece of shit (75%)        (25%)
arabe dayus arabs pimp their wives (56%)        (44%)
bachebaz child abuser (71%)        (29%)
bibito gaeidam i fucked your grandma (79%)        (21%)
dahaneto migaam fuck your mouth (46%)        (54%)
dard tu koonet pain in your ass (67%)        (33%)
dayoos asshole (25%)        (75%)
ghoromsagh your wife is a bitch (50%)        (50%)
gohe sag dog shit (94%)        (6%)
ja kesh,kun kesh abuser (42%)        (58%)
khaaar Jendeh donkey slut (27%)        (73%)
khafe sho! shut up! (85%)        (15%)
khahar kosse (your) sister (is a) whore (64%)        (36%)
khak bar saret die in a hole (59%)        (41%)
kir dick (87%)        (13%)
kir koon kalle dickhead (57%)        (43%)
kir to char choobe koonet dick in to your frame of your ass (33%)        (67%)
kir tu sooraakh por pashmo pinat dick in your fucking hairy hole (70%)        (30%)
kiram dahanet my dick in your mouth (67%)        (33%)
kiram too bachegiyaat fuck your childhood (75%)        (25%)
kiram too koset fuck your pussy (75%)        (25%)
kire asbe abi too koonet hippo's cock in your ass (88%)        (13%)
kiri dickhead (75%)        (25%)
kirkhor dick sucker (88%)        (13%)
koon kesh pimp of gay prostitutes (67%)        (33%)
koonet laghe your ass is loose (46%)        (54%)
kos pussy (79%)        (21%)
kos e aghat your dad's pussy (55%)        (45%)
kos kesh pimp (89%)        (11%)
kos khol stupid (58%)        (42%)
kos maghz stupid (60%)        (40%)
kos mokh stupid (42%)        (58%)
kos nane kherse ghotbi fuck the mother of polar bear (63%)        (38%)
kos naneh mother fucker (71%)        (29%)
koss bee-bee your grandma's vagina (74%)        (26%)
kosse amat!! you aunts cunt!(fuck your aunt!) (88%)        (13%)
kunde whore (39%)        (61%)
kungoshad wide asshole(lazy) (83%)        (17%)
kunliss ass licker (86%)        (14%)
kuss madar your mother,s pussy (54%)        (46%)
maadar jendeh mother whore (77%)        (23%)
madar/pedar sag your mom/dad is a dog (78%)        (22%)
nane kose your mother is a bitch (58%)        (42%)
olagh donkey (stupid) (89%)        (11%)
tofkar spits on ass when he fucks (38%)        (63%)

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