Swear Words In Australian | Cuss Words In Australian


Top 10 Australian Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
A face like a bucket of smashed crabs Unattractive person (54%)        (46%)
A face like a dropped pie Unattractive person (66%)        (34%)
A face like a kicked-in shitcan Unattractive person (65%)        (35%)
A face like fifty miles of bad road Unattractive person (41%)        (59%)
A few roos loose in the top paddock crazy (84%)        (16%)
About as useful as an arsehole on your elbow Not very useful (68%)        (32%)
As boring as batshit dull (90%)        (10%)
As full as a boot Drunk (64%)        (36%)
As useless as tits on a bull it's no good, won't work (84%)        (16%)
Bangs like a dunny door Someone extremely sexual (69%)        (31%)
Bangs like a dunny door in a Force 9 Gale Very sexually active (81%)        (19%)
Bangs like a dunny door on a prawn trawler Sheila who likes to root a lot. (41%)        (59%)
Basket Case Crazy, useless (85%)        (15%)
Blind Mullet A floating turd (69%)        (31%)
Bludger Lazy person (96%)        (4%)
Bowling from the pavilion end Homosexual man (41%)        (59%)
Bugger (n) one who causes mischief (77%)        (23%)
Bugger that! forget it (92%)        (8%)
Bury the bishop have sex. (46%)        (54%)
Chocolate driller Homosexual Man (58%)        (42%)
Crikey Oh my gosh/wow! (84%)        (16%)
Cum Junkie Slut (80%)        (20%)
Cum dumpster Prostitute or promiscuous female (82%)        (18%)
DADS disease Dumb as dog shit (38%)        (63%)
Dingaling Male's cock. (71%)        (29%)
Dipshit Idiot (96%)        (4%)
Donga Cock (59%)        (41%)
Dumb as a box of rocks really stupid (84%)        (16%)
Dumb as a door knob Retard (91%)        (9%)
Dumb as dog shit Stupid (87%)        (13%)
Face like a busted arsehole Ugly (85%)        (15%)
Flamin' Galah Moron (89%)        (11%)
Freeze the balls off a brass monkey Bloody cold (88%)        (13%)
Fuck Muppet complete idiot (65%)        (35%)
Fuck Tard Stupid Person (85%)        (15%)
Fuck Wit stupid nasty idiot (85%)        (15%)
Fuck a duck! An exclamation mild surprise (93%)        (7%)
Fuck it! don't worry about it (94%)        (6%)
Fuck me dead! Oh my! ( exclamation) (92%)        (8%)
Fuck me running Exhausted (23%)        (77%)
Fuck me side ways Oh shit (80%)        (20%)
Fuck off! go away/ you're kidding/ wow! (95%)        (5%)
Fucknuckle Dickhead (85%)        (15%)
Fuckstick Dick, stupid (83%)        (17%)
Fuckwit An idiot (98%)        (3%)
G'day Cock Features! Hello there unattractive person! (39%)        (61%)
Get stuffed fuck off (95%)        (5%)
Get your hand off it Stop talking such nonsense (89%)        (11%)
Get your rat out Show me your vagina (58%)        (42%)
Gronk Asshole (60%)        (40%)
Having a slash urinating (82%)        (18%)
How about a root? Lets have sex (87%)        (13%)
How are ya, ya cunt! Hello, dear friend! (86%)        (14%)
I could eat the arse end out of a low flying duck. I'm hungry. (74%)        (26%)
I don't give a rat's arse I don't care (89%)        (11%)
I'd rather drag my balls through broken glass than..... I am hesitant to do so (84%)        (16%)
I'm buggered ! I am tired. (95%)        (5%)
I'm dryer than a dead dingo's donger I'm thirsty (87%)        (13%)
It gives me the shits It annoys me (93%)        (7%)
JJ Vagg Person with a freckled cock (29%)        (71%)
Jizz Junky Poofter (33%)        (67%)
Knob Jockie Slut (45%)        (55%)
Letting the Aboriginals swim in the pool. Having a shit. (45%)        (55%)
Lick my salty piss Vagina and cock head (32%)        (68%)
Lickerty split Lesbian (27%)        (73%)
Long Black Coffee (wtf you think?) (94%)        (6%)
Meataxe Useless (33%)        (67%)
Moooo Fuck right off (19%)        (81%)
Norks breasts (59%)        (41%)
Pig's arse! I don't care/ I don't believe you (88%)        (13%)
Pissed Drunk (97%)        (3%)
Poo-pusher homosexual man (74%)        (26%)
Pushing shit uphill with a rubber fork on a hot day getting nowhere fast (50%)        (50%)
Ratbag (n) one who causes mischief (91%)        (9%)
Root To have sex (64%)        (36%)
Scratching your arse with a bowl full of spaghetti Useless (20%)        (80%)
Seppo or Septic Tank Yank or American person (88%)        (13%)
Shit hot! Very good (70%)        (30%)
Shitting like a big black dog Panicking (48%)        (52%)
Toeier than a Roman sandal extremely horney (64%)        (36%)
Tongue punch me fart box. Fuck my arsehole with your tongue (27%)        (73%)
Under the fuckin' thumb aye! Under a wife's control. (84%)        (16%)
Up the duff Pregnant (derogatory) (83%)        (17%)
Vagina Decliner Homosexual Man (59%)        (41%)
Ya Tosser You idiot (83%)        (17%)
Ya Wanker You idiot (90%)        (10%)
Ya fuckin' poofter! You fucking homosexual. (92%)        (8%)
Ya soft cock! Whimp. (62%)        (38%)
You can suck a fart out my arse. Your request is denied. (33%)        (67%)
You fuckin' little ripper! I am pleased (93%)        (7%)
You're a fuckin' knob mate! You're a penis! (85%)        (15%)
a few sangas short of a picnic brainless / moron (85%)        (15%)
arse monkey a passive gay man (46%)        (54%)
arse rag ass wipe/suck up (39%)        (61%)
as good as a hatfull of arseholes useless (79%)        (21%)
barrack for the other team be a homosexual. (88%)        (13%)
bash beat up (93%)        (7%)
bogan redneck/white trash (96%)        (4%)
bum bandit gay male (78%)        (22%)
bumtoucher a man who touches rectums (gayman) (36%)        (64%)
cactus, as in "we're/you're cactus!" fucked (86%)        (14%)
carpet muncher lesbian (95%)        (5%)
dickhead someone who is stupid (92%)        (8%)
dill idiot (82%)        (18%)
dumb as dog shit a stupid person (86%)        (14%)
eat my hairy onions eat my testicals (62%)        (38%)
feed the snake blowjob (39%)        (61%)
fuck nuckle minor dickhead (77%)        (23%)
fuck off piss off/fuck off (92%)        (8%)
fugly fucking ugly (94%)        (6%)
get a dog up ya Go fuck yourself       
get on your knees and smile like a donut suck my dick (44%)        (56%)
get ya cunt out I would like to see your vagina (59%)        (41%)
get ya end wet have sex (78%)        (22%)
gunna shake hands with me best mate take a piss (86%)        (14%)
have a bat masturbate (85%)        (15%)
he's a walking head job he's short (49%)        (51%)
he/she fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down he/she's fucking ugly (82%)        (18%)
heavy rocks heavy cocks (20%)        (80%)
jonas fucking junkie (29%)        (71%)
knock the top off it wank (70%)        (30%)
map of Tassie pussy (76%)        (24%)
map of tassie vagina (62%)        (38%)
mut pussy (48%)        (52%)
oxy moron major dickhead (12%)        (88%)
polecat realy ugly female (48%)        (52%)
poo jabber homosexual (76%)        (24%)
poofter a gay person (78%)        (22%)
put the dick on the barbie have a barbecque (93%)        (7%)
root the bitch to have sex with a female (83%)        (17%)
roots like watt on holidays has a lot of sex (82%)        (18%)
rowl incestuous gang whore (29%)        (71%)
shagger fucker (81%)        (19%)
she's a grenade chick is so fat she bout to explode (29%)        (71%)
show us ya jugs show me your breasts. (80%)        (20%)
show us ya tits I want to see your breasts (92%)        (8%)
slager slut (73%)        (27%)
slit eyed fuck a china man (45%)        (55%)
the family jewels male genitals/scrotum (84%)        (16%)
tool really useless person (96%)        (4%)
tosser you masturbate (63%)        (38%)
up to my nuts in guts having sex (84%)        (16%)
well bugger me! well I'll be damned! (89%)        (11%)
ya bluming bafoon! you stupid idiot! (37%)        (63%)
ya dopey bastard! you silly idiot (44%)        (56%)
ya wanker you masturbate (45%)        (55%)

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