Swear Words In Arabic | Cuss Words In Arabic

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Q R S T U W Y Z Ä ا

Top 10 Arabic Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
Airy Fic Fuck Off (32%)        (68%)
Anta kalbee You're my dog (75%)        (25%)
Assam Alaykom! Death upon you! (11%)        (89%)
Ayeree fee wij imaak My dick in your moms face (71%)        (29%)
Bakri Gay (20%)        (80%)
Batroun A person who works in a brothel. (43%)        (57%)
Bin'nt himaar Daughter of a donkey (81%)        (19%)
Ebn El Sharmoota! Son of a bitch! (67%)        (33%)
El-Sheitan Alaykom! Satan be upon you! (60%)        (40%)
Garager Balls (49%)        (51%)
Hynityou Fuck You (25%)        (75%)
Ibn himar Son of a donkey (85%)        (15%)
Kaifa Haluka Fuck you (17%)        (83%)
Kanker zemmer Cancer faggot (26%)        (74%)
Kess ihktak your sister's cunt (86%)        (14%)
Khaneeth Faggot (75%)        (25%)
Kis em ick Go fuck your mom (47%)        (53%)
Kol Ayre Eat my dick (60%)        (40%)
Kool Khara Eat Shit (88%)        (12%)
Koos cunt. (70%)        (30%)
Kus okhtish (for a girl Omani) Your sisters pussy (75%)        (25%)
Kus omak Your mothers pussy (80%)        (20%)
Louteh Gay (63%)        (38%)
Majdoube Stupid (63%)        (38%)
Mos zibby! Suck my dick! (68%)        (32%)
Neek Hallak Go Fuck Yourself (71%)        (29%)
Neek nafsek Fuck yourself (68%)        (32%)
Neik Fuck (72%)        (28%)
Nekni ana sharyaana fuck me I'm horny (65%)        (35%)
Qusamak I fucked you're mother asshole. (44%)        (56%)
Qybah Bitch (67%)        (33%)
Sambool Dick (75%)        (25%)
Sharmotah Bitch (82%)        (18%)
Tabaarek Yadaak! Wish you stabbed by sphere! (25%)        (75%)
Teezak ur ass (83%)        (17%)
Tel has tisee Kiss my ass (60%)        (40%)
Wald Dhroot (used in oman) Son of a fart (61%)        (39%)
Ya Bint El-Haram! O thy daughter of whore! (80%)        (20%)
Ya Bint El-Khinzir! O thy daughter of pig! (88%)        (13%)
Ya weld elgahba Son of bitch(used in UAE) (71%)        (29%)
Yakhrab Baytak! Your house is burned. (30%)        (70%)
Yla'an haramak Damn your spouse (63%)        (38%)
Zubih My dick (80%)        (20%)
abd nigger (50%)        (50%)
abn balla't aleora your mother suck dicks (50%)        (50%)
adreb pipa blow job for me (50%)        (50%)
airy qalbak fuck your heart (42%)        (58%)
aneek ummak i ll fuck your mom (64%)        (36%)
ars cuckold (70%)        (30%)
badi aneek kosik i want to fuck your pussy (56%)        (44%)
bah-shi rejlee fee teez imak(Palestinians slang) I put my leg in your mom's ass (68%)        (32%)
bah-shi rejlee fee teezak(Palestinians slang) I put my leg in your ass (70%)        (30%)
bala'a il a'air cock sucker (67%)        (33%)
bashokh alaa imak(Palestinians slang) I piss on your mom (63%)        (37%)
bashokh aleek(Palestinians slang) I piss on you (70%)        (30%)
baydati fik my balls in you (50%)        (50%)
bde amroj fe 3enak jack off my dick in your eye (64%)        (36%)
bedi fawit eyri bi tizik i wanna put my cock in your ass (60%)        (40%)
bedi nik bzez emak i wanna fuck your mom's tits (64%)        (36%)
bedi nik kesik i wanna fuck your pussy (72%)        (28%)
bedi nikak i wanna fuck you (70%)        (30%)
beef strokie meat sucker (30%)        (70%)
bous tize kiss my ass (72%)        (28%)
charmouta slut (67%)        (33%)
coos okt al laglesh fuck all this shit (54%)        (46%)
cos omak maafina Your mums pussy is dirty (58%)        (42%)
dakhlah killah push it all the way in (57%)        (43%)
dyoos boobs (50%)        (50%)
faq'haa ass (63%)        (38%)
gewad stupid lowlife pimp (iraqi slang) (76%)        (24%)
ghaben Illegitimate child (50%)        (50%)
ghati il face oo doos il race cover the face and fuck the base (50%)        (50%)
hafyaan horny (58%)        (42%)
hoi mouk fuck your mom (47%)        (53%)
ibin himaar son of a donkey (73%)        (27%)
ibn il tinayich son of a fucker (51%)        (49%)
inta shaz your a pervet (70%)        (30%)
jamalick cil jahash lick my donkey (50%)        (50%)
kalet(prounounced Kahlet filthy street bastard(iraqi slang) (68%)        (32%)
kalet(prounounced Kahlet) filthy street bastard(iraqi slang) (56%)        (44%)
kaneeth gay (70%)        (30%)
kes en neck eighty go fuck your mother (50%)        (50%)
kes okhtik bi ayre fuck your sister/your sister (71%)        (29%)
kess emmak your mums pussy ( fuck your mum ) (74%)        (26%)
khajaf you are an embarresment (54%)        (46%)
khaneeth gay (80%)        (20%)
khawal faggot (56%)        (44%)
kol khara(Palestinians slang) eat shit (71%)        (29%)
kol zabri eat my cock (71%)        (29%)
kolaveri didi ugly (50%)        (50%)
koos akhotkha hatsola'at your limping sister's pussy (50%)        (50%)
koos imek up my your mothers vagina (67%)        (33%)
kos ahlak manayek fuck your whole family are gays (64%)        (36%)
kosma yara i swear blood (33%)        (67%)
kus ummak your mom's pussy (71%)        (29%)
lhass baydeteh suck on my balls (63%)        (38%)
maalish lulu whts wrong bitch (42%)        (58%)
manuke khara shit fucker (67%)        (33%)
manyak faggot (33%)        (67%)
moss ayri suck my dick (68%)        (32%)
moss eyri suck my dick (80%)        (20%)
moss zabri suck my dick (lebanese) (73%)        (27%)
muss zebby suck my dick (50%)        (50%)
naghal Illegitimate child (64%)        (36%)
narcoossee hot pussy (33%)        (67%)
nayaak ghbar fucker (50%)        (50%)
neekni fuck me (67%)        (33%)
neekni sahrawi fuck me in the ass (50%)        (50%)
neekni wlaa tneek hargeti fuck me but dont fuck my words (57%)        (43%)
nela aboka fuck your father (71%)        (29%)
nik jedak fuck your grandpa (80%)        (20%)
nikkabuk fuck your father (56%)        (44%)
nock nullah father fucker (33%)        (67%)
ntak get fucked (67%)        (33%)
nwaan boobs (56%)        (44%)
qah'ba bitch (56%)        (44%)
qahbi prostitute (33%)        (67%)
qalab wighek fuck off (75%)        (25%)
qaraqir testes or balls (68%)        (32%)
qawad pimp (63%)        (37%)
qooq pussy (61%)        (39%)
qooq ukhtak ur sisters's pussy (65%)        (35%)
qooq ummak ur mom's pussy (58%)        (42%)
raas il zub dick head (50%)        (50%)
rkab ayre ride my cock (50%)        (50%)
sambool penis (62%)        (38%)
sambool fi fqa'htak my penis in your ass (67%)        (33%)
sambool maa ybool large strong penis (63%)        (37%)
sambooli maa indi ghairoo i am proud of my penis (67%)        (33%)
shakl il nahaan shit face (67%)        (33%)
sharmoota slut (75%)        (25%)
sharmuta whore (80%)        (20%)
shlokeh a low life dirty whore (72%)        (28%)
sir tkaoud go get fucked (67%)        (33%)
taa' mos(Palestinians slang) come and suck (67%)        (33%)
umka sharmota your mom is a slut (65%)        (35%)
us kut ! (oos koot) shut up! (80%)        (20%)
waa abooy oh my dad (61%)        (39%)
waa faqri damn (72%)        (28%)
wald il 16 son of 16 bitches (50%)        (50%)
wald il dhuroot son of a shit (72%)        (28%)
wald il hawyaa son of a bitch (63%)        (38%)
wald il klaab son of dogs (88%)        (13%)
wald il qahbaa son of a bitch (79%)        (21%)
wald il qaraqir son of balls (67%)        (33%)
wald il qawad son of pimp (64%)        (36%)
wald il zinaa Illegitimate child (56%)        (44%)
wald qahbat qureesh son of whore (56%)        (44%)
ya aars you pimp (63%)        (38%)
ya ibn el jahsh you son of a donkey (83%)        (17%)
ya ibn il daa'reh u son of a porn star (67%)        (33%)
ya kus you pussy/ vaj (83%)        (17%)
ya louteh you gay! (63%)        (37%)
ya noori you low level person (50%)        (50%)
ya wati you short (33%)        (67%)
yaa raabi oh my god (70%)        (30%)
yalla maal saham a gay from saham (63%)        (37%)
yel'aan naik emak fuck the fucking of your momma (50%)        (50%)
yelan abo taarees immak (Palestinian slang) damn the bitchiness of your mother (70%)        (30%)
yelan abo taareesak (Palestinian slang) damn your bitchiness (61%)        (39%)
yelan fatsak swear your dead (58%)        (42%)
zib penis (85%)        (15%)
zibbe dick (61%)        (39%)
zobbi be ommok my dick in your mother (58%)        (42%)
zubra dick (65%)        (35%)
äíßäí ÃÈíÈí fuck me baby (0%)        (100%)
الله يلعنك Fuck you (33%)        (67%)

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