Swear Words In Afrikaans | Cuss Words In Afrikaans

" A B D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Y

Top 10 Afrikaans Swear Words

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
"Naaiers" Fuckers / Whores (84%)        (16%)
Dawie Joubert Pedophile (56%)        (44%)
Donkie kont Donkey cunt (75%)        (25%)
Doos Cunt (88%)        (13%)
Doosis Jesus, that guy is a vagina (13%)        (88%)
Draadtrekker Wanker (89%)        (11%)
Ek gee nie 'n fok nie I dont give a fuck (82%)        (18%)
Ek gee nie 'n moer om nie I don't care a damn (82%)        (18%)
Ek will jou naai I want to fuck you (100%)        (0%)
Etterkop! Pusshead! (64%)        (36%)
Fok die kak , Ek loop Fuck this shit, im leaving (82%)        (18%)
Fok jou! Fuck you! (86%)        (14%)
Fok julle naaiers! Fuck y'all/all you whores/fuckers! (73%)        (27%)
Fok my soos n porn stere Fuck me like a porn star (100%)        (0%)
Fokof Fuck off (83%)        (17%)
Gaan Pluk jou riem! Go and jerk off! (86%)        (14%)
Gaan kak in Gauteng Go shit in Gauteng (76%)        (24%)
Gaan kak in die kaap Go crap in the cape (68%)        (32%)
Gaan kak in jou poes Go shit in your pussy (67%)        (33%)
Gaan kak op jou ma se poes! Go shit on your mother's pussy (84%)        (16%)
Gaan naai 'n koei Go fuck a cow (88%)        (13%)
Gaan naai jou Ma Go fuck your mother (77%)        (23%)
Gaan naai jou hand Go fuck your hand (87%)        (13%)
Gaan vat 'n skommel Go jerk off (85%)        (15%)
Gat Gaabaa Ass Creaper (33%)        (67%)
Gat gabba Homosexual (51%)        (49%)
Gorrel my spyt kak Gargle my diarrhea (80%)        (20%)
Hoender naaiers Chicken fuckers! (88%)        (13%)
Hol naier Ass Fucker (82%)        (18%)
Hol naier! Ass fucker! (84%)        (16%)
Hond Kerrie poes Dog Curry Pussy (41%)        (59%)
Hy is 'n doos. He is a cunt (83%)        (17%)
Hy is 'n duiwel He is a devil (90%)        (10%)
Jou Foken Poes You Fucken Cunt (85%)        (15%)
Jou Kafferkont You Black Vagina (26%)        (74%)
Jou Poeslike Kanker you fucking Cancer (33%)        (67%)
Jou bliksem! You bastard! (89%)        (11%)
Jou dom stuk kak! You stupid piece of shit! (86%)        (14%)
Jou fokken holnaaier poes You fucking ass fucking cunt (65%)        (35%)
Jou fokken poes kakker naipoes You fucking cunt shitter cunt fuck (71%)        (29%)
Jou ma se Poes Your mothers fannie (94%)        (6%)
Jou ma se bloed poes Your mothers' bloody cunt (77%)        (23%)
Jou ma se bloed poes! Your mom's bloody clut! (40%)        (60%)
Jou ma se bloedpoes Your mother's bloody clit (29%)        (71%)
Jou ma se poes Your mother's pussy (83%)        (17%)
Jou ma se poes! Your mother's cunt! (90%)        (10%)
Jou nat naai You wet fuck (44%)        (56%)
Jou saat sokkie You cum sock (50%)        (50%)
Jou skeel teef! You squint slut. (66%)        (34%)
Jou stink poes! You Smelly cunt! (93%)        (7%)
Jou suster se piel Your sister's dick (78%)        (22%)
Jou teef! You bitch! (96%)        (4%)
Jou tollie You penis/dick! (81%)        (19%)
Jy gaan jou poes kak You are going to shit your vagina (54%)        (46%)
Jy is 'n poes You are a cunt (94%)        (6%)
Jy's 'n hondenaaier You're a dog fucker (83%)        (17%)
Kak Gat Ass Hole (100%)        (0%)
Kompos Stamper GAY (57%)        (43%)
LOOP KAK Go Shit (53%)        (47%)
Lap naai Go fuck yourself (43%)        (57%)
Lek my bloed poes Lick my bloody cunt (62%)        (38%)
Looi n plooi Fuck a granny (76%)        (24%)
Loop naai Go fuck yourself (56%)        (44%)
Loop naai! Go fuck! (yourself is implied) (86%)        (14%)
Mal Fok Mad Fuck (88%)        (13%)
Mal vark! You crazy pig! (88%)        (13%)
Moffie Gay (88%)        (13%)
Om te kots. To vomit. (88%)        (13%)
Om vel te klap. To masturbate. (86%)        (14%)
Ou bloed poes Old bloody cunt (89%)        (11%)
Ou poes Old pussy (75%)        (25%)
Piel Cock (92%)        (8%)
Pielkop! Dickhead! (94%)        (6%)
Poepol Asshole (85%)        (15%)
Poes Cunt (82%)        (18%)
Poes / Doos Pussy (70%)        (30%)
Poesis Jesus, that was fucked up (29%)        (71%)
Poeskak Cunt shit (75%)        (25%)
Poeslekker Cunt licker (21%)        (79%)
Shrek A cool guy (42%)        (58%)
Sleg etter Rotten pusshead (59%)        (41%)
Stink Gat Smelly ass (78%)        (22%)
Suig my piel. Suck my dick. (95%)        (5%)
Tietkop a man with no hair (nipple head) (53%)        (47%)
Tietkop(Pronounced : Teetcop) Tithead (79%)        (21%)
Vet fokker! Fat fucker! (80%)        (20%)
Voetsek jou naai Fuck off you cunt (42%)        (58%)
Vok jou Fuck you (79%)        (21%)
Your ma se poes your mothers vagina (89%)        (11%)
ag jou hol man! Oh! thats bullshit (14%)        (86%)
blerrie Damm (67%)        (33%)
boudkapper ass fucker (63%)        (38%)
ek gan jou klap men ñ nat piel im gonna smack u with a wet dick (83%)        (17%)
fok fuck (85%)        (15%)
fokenwil for fuck sake (50%)        (50%)
gaan fok 'n bok go fuck a buck (76%)        (24%)
gaan kak go shit (90%)        (10%)
gaan klim terug in jou ma se poes go climb back in your mothers cunt (81%)        (19%)
gaan naai 'n boom Go fuck a tree (79%)        (21%)
hoender poes chicken cunt (73%)        (27%)
hol bossel ass creeper (75%)        (25%)
jou fokken goffel you fucking ugly bitch (31%)        (69%)
jou ma se chit stink your mothers cape clit stinks (18%)        (82%)
jou ma se poes your mothers cunt (89%)        (11%)
jou ma se skimil stink poes Your mother's pusie stinky cunt (13%)        (88%)
jou mase stink poes your mothers stinky pussy (78%)        (22%)
jou nare nai you nauseating cunt (67%)        (33%)
jou ou naai you old hore (35%)        (65%)
jou ou naai you old hore (35%)        (65%)
jou pa se perd your fathers penis (27%)        (73%)
jou pa se stink vuil poes your father smelly dirty puss (40%)        (60%)
jou sluimsloot bewonderaar you Pussy hacker (62%)        (38%)
jou vokken stuk geaborteerde fetus you fucken peace aborted fetus (32%)        (68%)
jou woers gemors your sperm (40%)        (60%)
jy is mal you are crazy (75%)        (25%)
jy is n damduiker. you are a asshole (45%)        (55%)
jy is n moeraspadda you are a swamp frog. (29%)        (71%)
jy jou nat naai you are a wet cunt (40%)        (60%)
kak shit (86%)        (14%)
kettie kop drunk person (19%)        (81%)
kom ons stoot come we fuck       
kotskop puke head (72%)        (28%)
ma-naaier mother fucker (79%)        (21%)
mank genaaide bergbok disfiguredly fucked mountain goat (80%)        (20%)
masapiel mom's Penis (64%)        (36%)
moerskont mothers puss (46%)        (54%)
nigger kaffir (38%)        (63%)
onosel fokken etter stupid fucking cunt (67%)        (33%)
piel kop dick head (67%)        (33%)
poes vagina (87%)        (13%)
poes gesig cunt face (79%)        (21%)
poes you ma en pa doos fuck you you ass fuck (9%)        (91%)
rioolboor ass fucker (75%)        (25%)
slym sloot slime slit (pussy) (78%)        (22%)
spaiker you self screw your self (11%)        (89%)
steek dit in jou fokken vet hol jou moer stick it in your fucking ass (32%)        (68%)
voetsek (pronounced footsak) get lost, fuck off (85%)        (15%)
wie de fok dink jy is jy who the fuck do you think you are (83%)        (17%)
you are a uncle fucker jy is n oom naaier (74%)        (26%)
you ma se poes your mothers cunt (89%)        (11%)

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